Whether you desire to acquire or sell producing and non-producing oil, gas and mineral properties, ML can assist in the preparation and completion of all necessary agreements including, but not limited to, Assignments, Purchase and Sale Agreements, Joint Ventures, Farm-Out and/or Farm-In Agreements and Master Service Agreements. In addition, ML can assist in the valuation of the properties being acquired or sold by identifying any ownership issues (i.e., record title and/or contractual title) and regulatory compliance issues.
Transactions, Mergers and Acquisitions
Practice Areas
- Oil and Gas Law
- Title Examination and Reporting
- Transactions, Mergers and Acquisitions
- Litigation and Dispute Resolution
- Regulatory Representation
- Financing and Perfecting Liens
- Renewable Energy, Solar and Wind Energy
- Energy Consulting Services
- Saltwater Disposal, CO2 Sequestration and Enhanced Recovery
- Bankruptcy and Restructuring
- Real Estate
- Estate Planning and Probate
- Forensic Title Examination and Expert Opinions
- Continuing Legal Education, Private Educational Training, and Speaking Engagements